Underground Comics

The existence of underground comics was a new idea to me. I never really heard about them prior to this class. I got one about The Tortoise and the Hare, and it had a lot of shocking content. There was a lot of sex and drugs in it, but also in one of the drug trips, Mickey Mouse and other licensed characters made an appearance! It was very surprising to see those topics mixing in a printed medium. The book also had a beastiality comic about a young girl getting licked by her dog. That one was probably the most shocking. The underground comic moment seems to be just a no-holds-bars era of comic production, letting everything seem out of people's minds, whether they were an artist or not. There was also a very racist comic about a Chinese man, and they author tried to type out his accent. Overall, it was a very interesting thing to discover that happened within the world of comics. I think that the idea of anybody being able to make a comic and publish it, is a very well accepted part of our current day society, because of web comics. Anybody can upload whatever they want, and they have access to a huge audience.


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